Handy Sales Letter Checklist

Have this handy little checklist to hand the next time you are writing or proof reading a sales letter. make sure you have checked off all the pointers on the list. A checklist of copywriting elecments you should always include. . .

Sales Letter Checklist
Here is a handy checklist to help you with writing your sales letters…
Never lie (This is the most important rule)
If you make a claim, prove it
Lead with benefits, substantiate with features
Make sure any slang or jargon is familiar to the reader
Reveal a minor flaw
Give copy news value
Write the way real people talk, not English professors
Never talk down to your audience. Look them in the eye or look up to them
Ask for the order
Make it easy for prospects to buy
Give an incentive to act NOW!
Substitute ‘you’ for ‘I’ whenever possible

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