10 Page Tweaks that Massively Increase Conversions

Some of these are so commonly known, you’ve probably heard of them before.

But the real question is, are you doing them?

Others are less known but crazy effective.

And all of these have been tested and proven on working landing pages and elsewhere.

Ready? Let’s get started…


1: Add a call to action within each section.

If your landing page is long enough to scroll, then it needs multiple calls to action. Each section should provide a button the prospect can click to immediately be taken to the sign-up form. Never make them search for the subscribe button.


2: Remove all options and navigation to go anywhere else.

If you need navigation buttons for legal reasons, place them down at the bottom in the footer. But the entire rest of the page should offer one option only, and that’s to sign up.


3: Make all of your text easy to read.

I shouldn’t even have to remind anyone about this, but time and again I see text on landing pages that is too small, too faint or written in a font that is just plain difficult to read.

No, light grey on a white background does NOT make your page look sophisticated. But it does make it look like you’re hiding something or you simply don’t want anyone to be able to read it.


4: Engage your readers.

This is highly effective and too few marketers are doing it. Instead of asking people to opt in, ask them a question. In fact, make them work for it by customizing your results to their answers.

I’ll give you an example:

Let’s say you’re selling a weight loss program. Have them answer, “I am a… with two buttons, one that says man and one that says woman. Then they hit the ‘next’ button and you ask them more questions about their goals. Finally, they get to the page that says, “Enter your info below to get your results”. And the button says, “Show my result”.

And you know what? People will do it because they’re now committed. They’ve answered your questions and they want their result. Maybe they didn’t want to opt into a list, but they do want to see the results. It’s simply a different route to the exact same result, but it works far better than the old, “Join my list” works.

They put in their info and the next page says, “Okay, based on your answer, this is what you need to achieve your goals.” And there’s your product.

You don’t even need any fancy programming to do this because there’s a service that does it for you. It’s called LeadQuizzes https://www.leadquizzes.com/ . You can try the service for free and then it starts at $37 per month – perhaps one of the best investments you’ll ever make in your business.


5: Add a GIF to your exit pop-up.

Okay, so they didn’t take the action you were looking for, but you still want to capture their information so that you can continue to market to them. Use an exit pop-up with a twist – add a GIF of the product you are giving away for free. Don’t ask me why, but this can increase your conversions by 30% or more. Test it out.


6: Add calls to action inside your blog content.

Don’t just place a call to action in the sidebar or at the bottom of your blog – place it right inside your blog content, too. People are reading your post, they see the link, and it’s just natural for them to click it.

Test this out and I’ll bet you’ll find you get more clicks on those links inside your blog posts than you do from the sidebar and the bottom of the page combined.


7: Use Geo IP.

Instead of your page saying, “Hey, sign up for this freebie,” you can make it say, “Here’s how to do XYZ in [their location].”

Dating sites do this all the time. They’ll tell you before you even sign up that “There are 5,629 singles in your hometown – what are you waiting for?”

Maybe you sell ‘how to make money by trading’ information. Take a tip from Timothy Sykes, who uses a landing page that says, “I’m determined to create a millionaire trader in Smithtown, Pennsylvania. My only question is, will it be you?”

Airlines do this. You go to their landing page and the “leaving from” box is already propagated with your current location. And down below, it shows the most common flights leaving from your location along with prices, too.

Using Geo IP can typically bump up your conversions from 10% to 25%. Not bad for such a simple tweak.


8: Make your landing page congruent with the page they came from.

This one is super basic but it still needs repeating – if your traffic is coming from an ad for woodworkers on how to make money with their craft, don’t send them to a landing page with 101 free woodworking patterns.

Tailor that landing page to exactly what the visitor is expecting to see, right down to the same colors, fonts and verbiage found on the page or ad that sent them there.


9: Add a checkout bump.

This isn’t as much about increasing conversions as it is increasing the money you earn from the conversions you already make.

If it’s your own product funnel, add a checkout bump to the order page. If you’re promoting affiliate products, ask the product owners to add check out bumps, too.

This won’t decrease sales and it will increase profits.

A checkout bump is that option you see on some order forms to get a second product for a much-discounted price.

For example, if you’re selling a course on social media marketing, your checkout bump could be a second course on email marketing at a steep discount.

Remember that is easier to upsell than it is to generate new sales.

The bestselling checkout bumps are the ones that increase the speed or ease of what they’re trying to accomplish. For example, if you’re selling a program on how to drive traffic, your checkout bump could be a piece of software that automates some aspect of driving traffic.

Price your checkout bumps at 50% or lower than the price of the main product. It needs to be largely discounted. Think of yourself in the checkout line in a store. While you’re waiting, you’ll grab something that only costs a few dollars and add it to your cart, but you won’t impulse buy something that is expensive.

You’ll want to explain the benefit of the checkout bump product in just a few sentences – short and sweet. If you can’t do it, select another product that is easier to explain for the bump.


10: Make it difficult to buy.

This is counterintuitive and definitely needs to be tested, but it’s surprising how often making it harder and not easier to buy a product works to increase conversions.

The trick is to make prospects jump through hoops and see if they ‘qualify’ to buy the product. These hoops can be whatever you want. Give them a reason why not just anyone can get the product you offer.

For example, let’s say you’re offering a nutritional supplement. But… it’s not for everybody. It’s super powerful and potent, and you’ve got to make sure only people who truly need the product can get it because supply is super limited. And that is why you ask qualifying questions about their age, their health and so forth.

And of course they will ‘qualify’ but they don’t know that. Done correctly, the prospect is actually working to ‘earn’ their right to buy your product.

In essence you are turning the sales process on its head. Instead of you convincing them on why they should buy the product, they are now convincing you on why they should be allowed to buy it.

You can see why, if this is done correctly, it works almost like magic. I’ve seen this technique increase sales as much as 50% in several different instances. And I’ve also seen it backfire on one occasion and decrease sales, so as I always say, be sure to test.


And that goes for all of these techniques. Make a change, test it out. Make another change and test that out, too.

In no time at all you can increase your conversions dramatically by using any combination of these techniques.

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As a Florida Native, Shelia enjoys all things “beachy” and visits several beaches each year. Shelia has written and published over twenty articles, a few journals and the children’s book series: An Adventure on Spook Hill and A Hairy, Scary Adventure on Spook Hill. She has been self-employed for over fifteen years and is an accomplished artist. She continues to write, create and explore new locations and beaches. She has been in digital information products for a few years.

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