If I Said You Too Can Soon Be Making $100,000 a Year, You Wouldn’t Believe Me, Would You?

Your $100k A Year Business Blueprint Part One
But, believe me, it is true. As an information publisher, $100,000 into your bank account (each and every year by the way, not just once) is perfectly possible.
I know that, right now, it sounds a bit of a fantasy. But trust me, it is not. And in this series The $100k Business Blueprint – I am not going to just tell you that you can do it – I am going to prove it to you too.
Of course, there is a catch!
To make that kind of money you have to follow a pretty strict business blueprint. One that has been tried and tested and proven to work. So, in this short series of special reports, I will reveal this blueprint to you and explain exactly how it works … including precisely what you need to know about info products, prices, overheads and marketing.

$100k On The Back Of An Envelope !

This blueprint is actually pretty simple, so I really could outline it to you on the back of an envelope! But why make life difficult for ourselves? Just go and find a pocket calculator to make it even easier…
Let’s get started: Enter our target income ($100,000) and divide it by the number of days in the year – 365 (we’re overlooking leap years for the sake of argument).
What do you get? Well, I make it $273.97. In other words you need to sell near enough
$274 of product a day to make $100,000 a year.
Play around with the figures a bit if you like. For example, monthly, you’d need to take
$8,334 a month to gross $100k a year. Weekly, it would be $1,923.
Whichever way you look at it one thing is clear: You need to pull in a fair wedge each and every day to reach $100,000 a year.
But stay with me now.
It CAN be done and I’ll show you how…
Let’s start with the $274 a day target. It seems like a lot of money. And it is. But on the
other hand it can be achieved very easily if you go about it the right way…
Say your product – whatever it is – makes you $10 a sale.
You’ll have to get 28 sales a day (or a whopping 10,220 a year) to reach your $100K.
And I can tell you – if you haven’t already realized – just processing 10,220 sales a year (to say nothing of actually making them) is a hell of a lot of work.
BUT …. What if you sell a product that brings you in $50 a sale. Still not a lot to a qualified or targeted customer.
But this revised price makes it a whole lot easier for you to reach your target. Because now you only have to get 5.48 sales a day.
Or what if you sell a product costing $137. Now you only have to make two sales a day. The whole thing has already become a whole lot easier to accomplish!

So this is the first golden rule of my $100k blueprint:
Selling low cost products is a back-breaking no-no! Concentrating on higher value products – say $50-$97 or so and up – while at the same time eliminating the low-priced ones – is much more realistic for a business like yours and mine.
Now let’s take the whole thing a step further. It gets even MORE exciting, I promise you!
So, let’s say you’ve decided to go with a product that makes you $50 a sale. If you have just one product that means you have to pull in 2,000 different customers to make your $100k. (2,000 x 50 = $100,000. Don’t take my word for it. Remember to use that calculator if you want to check anything I’m saying!)
Now what if instead of having just one product you have a range of ten products all appealing to the same customer.
Products cleverly devised so that each customer mostly buys more than one. Say that on average each customer buys just two products (not a lot when you have ten to choose from). Then now you only need 1,000 customers. Or, if they buy three, you only need to find 667 customers.
That’s the second golden rule of the $100k blueprint:
Having a range of products will slash the number of customers you need to find each year to a much more realistic level.
Better still, if you have multiple products (let’s say ten), then the number of daily sales needed for each product is drastically lowered.
With one product earning $50 per sale, you need to make 2,000 sales of that one product per year to make $100,000… But if you have ten products earning $50 each per sale you need only 200 sales of each product in a year to reach $100k.
In other words, an average of less than one sale per product per day!
And that’s the third golden rule of this blueprint:
The more products you have the fewer individual sales you have to make to maximize your revenue. Not only does that mean less selling. It means fewer orders to process, less admin, and lower overheads too!
Let’s look at the figures again: If your product makes you $50 per sale, you will need to process 6 orders a day to achieve your $100k.
But if each individual order is for three products from your range your individual order value shoots up to a very impressive $150 per order … and that means you only need to make two sales a day to make $100,000. Wow!
To sum everything up in one simple sentence: By selling a range of higher priced products to the same customers, something which initially seemed unrealistic becomes very, very, VERY realistic indeed.
The thing is, in the information publishing business, most people don’t know these three basic golden rules. So, they set out with a lot of hope and expectation of making $100,000 a year or whatever.
And they mostly fail. For the same reason. Because they don’t have a blueprint.
They’ll try to sell just low-priced eBook or video type products around $10 or so with low profit margins. And in their misguided way will believe that they can find (and process) 10,000 (or more) new orders each and every year.
It’s unrealistic, expensive and doomed to failure from the start.
Now you know the Golden Rules – AND have this Blueprint to work from along with your new copy of Nick James’ book Six Figures A Year In Information Publishing – so, that’s not going to happen to you!
One more thing. Don’t worry if you have already made some of these mistakes. It’s not too late to put them right.
One of the best things about being an information publisher is that you have the ability to chop-and-change and reinvent your business whenever you like.
At any point in time you can choose what kinds of products you will develop and market, who you will market those products to, what you will charge and what new profit targets you can set.

In this first of five special reports, we have covered the three basic rules or fundamentals for your success.
Once you understand what exact model you need to follow to make $100,000 a year income it becomes a whole lot easier to do it.
So much for the theory!
In the other four parts of this series of ‘extra’ special reports… We’ll take a closer look at the type of product range you should be thinking about and also the actual type of products you’ll need to concentrate on to make the kind of daily income We’ve been discussing here.
Plus, we’ll look at some fast moneymakers that can add $30,000 to $300,000 a year to your profits.
By the time this series of ‘extra’ special reports is finished you’ll have a good idea of the kinds of products you should be setting up online, who to sell them to, what you should charge and exactly how to pull it all together.
So when you see my next email alerting you to the next special report in this series, don’t delay – open it up and download and read the next $100k A Year Business Blueprint immediately.
Keep tuning in to find out some more great information for turning your dream of running a highly profitable and successful business online into a reality, then don’t forgot to check out the other articles, reports and special offers that can be found at: Lirette Ventures everything is updated weekly.
Here’s to your continued success.
Shelia Lirette