12 Proven Hacks for Unforgettable Content and Ads

Do you want people to remember your ads and content? Okay, yes, that was a dumb question. What’s the point of creating content or an ad that’s forgotten before they even leave the page? You’d be better off standing on the street corner holding a sign with your URL.

Making content and ads memorable is about first cutting through the noise and getting noticed, and then creating a lasting impression. And that’s no small order, is it?

Here are some simple tips to make your advertising and content stand apart, be memorable and get them to take action.

  1. Tell a Story

You know that people love stories. Instead of just showing your product, create a story around it. Make the audience feel something—happy, sad, excited, or surprised. For example, instead of just showing a car, tell a story about a family’s road trip in that car.

  1. Use Strong Visuals

Strong uncluttered visuals catch people’s eyes. Use bright colors, interesting images, and cool graphics. Think about how Nike uses powerful images of athletes in action. These visuals stick in people’s minds.

  1. Be Funny

Humor lowered defenses and makes your content stand out. And when you make people laugh, they’re more likely to remember your ad or content. Just make sure the humor fits your brand. Think about the funny ads you’ve seen from brands like Doritos or Geico.

  1. Create a Catchy Slogan

A catchy slogan is easy to remember. It should be short, simple, and to the point. Think about Nike’s “Just Do It” or McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It.” If you’re old enough to remember Wendy’s, “Where’s the Beef?” then you know exactly what we’re talking about here. Use a slogan that’s easy to recall and instantly connects the brand to the consumer.

  1. Use Music and Jingles

Music and jingles can stick in your head. A catchy tune can make your ad or content unforgettable. If you’re in the US, think about the “Nationwide is on Your Side” jingle. It’s simple, but it stays with you.

  1. Be Unique

Stand out from the crowd. Look at what other brands are doing and do something different. Kanye West’s Yeezy fashion line Super Bowl commercial stood out because it was unlike any other ad. It got people talking because it was so unique.

  1. Engage Your Audience

Get people involved and make them feel like they’re part of something. Ask questions, create polls, or run contests. Encourage people to interact with your ad or content. Ask them to share their thoughts, participate in a challenge, or try a demo. When people actively engage, they remember the experience more vividly.

  1. Repeat Your Message

Repetition helps people remember. Don’t just show your ad once. Run it multiple times across different platforms. The more people see it, the more likely they are to remember it.

  1. The Power of Surprise

POW!!! Surprise grabs attention. When people see something unexpected, they pay attention and remember it. Think about ads and content that have surprising twists or unusual elements. They stand out because they break the norm.

  1. Link Your Product to Something They Already Know

Connecting your product to something familiar makes it easier to understand and remember. If your product is like something they already know, explain it that way. For example, if you’re selling a new type of snack, compare it to a popular snack they already love.

  1. Keep It Simple

Simple messages are easier to remember. Don’t overload your audience with too much information. Stick to one main idea and make it clear. Think about Apple’s ads—they are simple but very effective.

  1. Evoke Emotions

Emotions make ads and content memorable. When an ad or piece of content makes you feel something, you remember it better. Show how your product can make people happy, excited, or even nostalgic. An emotional connection can make a big impact.

Examples of Memorable Ads and Content

  • Apple’s “Think Different” Campaign: Apple’s ads featuring famous figures like Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King Jr. made a big impact.
  • Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”: This ad was funny, unique, and had a catchy slogan, making it unforgettable.

If you take away just one thought from this article, it’s this…

To Become Memorable, Be DIFFERENT.

Look at what everyone else is doing and then find a way to stand not only apart, but above and beyond in a category of your own.

Be the red rose in a field of white poppies and no one will forget you.

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