How To Write The Best PS For Any Sales Letter Or Website You Publish

Postscripts (the PS at the end of the letter) can increase sales by 30%! Yes it’s true. Christian Godefroy, one of Europe’s most successful direct marketers, never used a P.S. on any of his letters for the first 5 years he was in business. When he added a P.S. to an already profitable sales letter, the response increased by 30%.

Think how much richer he would be if he had always used postscripts, and now imagine that this is you. Are you going to use a postscript from the moment you start out, after all it’s not much extra effort, or are you going to throw money down the drain? The reason why you are reading this article is so that you can avoid expensive mistakes that the gurus made along their way to millionaire status.

Mailing tests by myself and other direct marketers have also proven that a well-crafted P.S. can make a big difference to your response. The P.S. is so important because apart from the headline, it is the next most read part of any letter.

Yet too much direct mail is sent out without a P.S. and the senders are throwing away a huge proportion of their potential sales.

In the real world, prospects do not read your letter from start to finish, they glance at the headline and if that draws their attention, they turn to the end of the letter and look at the signature and then read the P.S.

To be effective, you should restate the offer and/or the biggest benefit in the P.S. I usually use two postscripts in my sales letter and I like one of them to ensure the sense of urgency is still burning brightly in my prospects.

Here are the 7 most used P.S. types in successful sales letters:

One – Motivate the prospect to take action.

This P.S. type compels the prospect to take action and place their order now. For this reason, it is the most important of all the 7 types. This P.S. overcomes the buyer’s inertia, because in direct marketing delay is death.

P.S. “HOW TO FIGHT ARTHRITIS AND WIN” will make a huge difference in the quality of your life. You risk nothing. The book is not the original price of $50.00, but only $29.97 and comes with a one year money back guarantee. And it comes with up to 5 free bonus reports which you may keep regardless. Order at once.”

P.S. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this valuable one-time only seminar worth many times its investment of only £397. Additional registrants may attend for only £197. Get up to 2 Free Bonuses worth a total of £80. Call 932-253162 now!

P.S. The HANDBOOK OF DOCTORS’ NATURAL HOME REMEDIES FOR PROSTRATE PROBLEMS AND SEXUAL IMPOTENCE will make a huge difference in your life. You risk nothing. You can have the book not at the original price of $50.00 but for only $29.97. You have a one-year money-back guarantee. And if you respond within 10 days you will get 3 bonus reports you may keep regardless. Order at once.

P.S. If you don’t mail your $50,000.00 SWEEPSTAKES entry, the prize that you might have won will go to someone else. That won’t happen if you return the Official Entry Certificate in the envelope provided.

P.S. Our “Summer White Sale” is only running until August 15, 2007. To make certain your Savings Certificate is valid, please post it before that date. No need to send payment now. If you prefer, we’ll bill you later.

Two – Reinforce the offer.

This P.S. is the most often employed and properly crafted is very powerful.

It is also the safest type to use, providing the offer is compelling.

P.S. The “S” Corporation was brought into law primarily to give small business owners a few financial breaks… to make it easier for them to stay in business. Now, under new tax laws the “S” Corporation looks more attractive than ever. With The “S” Corporation Handbook you can gain all the benefits of owning an “S” Corporation, including the big tax saving available now.

P.S. As mentioned before, your Gift Certificate bears your name and may not be used by anyone else. A mailing like this – for a publication like W- must remain quite selective.

P.S. You’ll be pleased with your decision, your 2 magazines, your membership and all your other benefits!

P.S. As mentioned earlier, this invitation is non-transferable. It is valid in your name only. If you decide not to accept my offer, please do not pass it along to anyone else. I would prefer you simply discarded it. Thank you.

P.S. Do look over the enclosed stamp sheet now, from Pavarotti At Carnegie Hall to Galway’s Greatest Hits, from Sir George Solti to Itzhak Perlman… any 3 of the world’s greatest artists and performances are available now for your 10-day free audition.

Three – Emphasise or introduce a premium or bonus.

This one is very effective because everybody loves a valuable free gift.

P.S. REMEMBER, this special offer for ORGANIC GARDENINGTM magazine brings you these three free gifts. Each one is chock-full of some of the best tips money can’t buy. So use the easy order card today for a start on your best garden ever.

P.S. Remember, you will also receive, absolutely free, THE YEAR 2000 & BEYOND, an information-packed book on the first decade of the twenty first century. This 160-page, well-illustrated volume (a $7.95 value) is yours free when you join.

P.S. Take a look at your certificate now for news of a special gift of welcome! 10 power crystals, from amethyst to snow quartz, plus a guide to their legendary mystic qualities. Use them to meditate or relieve stress. Or enjoy them for their natural beauty. We’ll send you all 10 power crystals free, plus a carrying bag, when you purchase Mystic Places.

P.S. Take a look at your certificate now to see your handsome Egyptian Paperweight! When you keep THE AGE OF GOD-KINGS, it will be your Gift of Welcome. This unusual pewter-finish disk features an exquisite engraving taken from the temple of Akhenaten.

Four – Introduce a surprise benefit.

This can be effective in nudging the ‘fence sitter’ to take action and buy your product.

P.S. INCLUDED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE: Specific guidelines for most of the 166 letters; special tips on how to customise them; optional paragraphs and phrases for expanding them; and general guidelines for each of the 15 general categories of letters. ALSO: Checklist for Executive Letters; Forms of Address for VIPs; diagrams of correct letter formats; tabbed dividers; and alphabetised index – EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A LONG-LASTING HIGHLY USEFUL BUSINESS REFERENCE.

P.S. Please note that your Gift Certificate has your name on it – and may not be used by anyone else.

P.S. I nearly forgot to mention one more unique comfort of membership… our exclusive tapestry-print Floral Tote. It’s stylish, sturdy, practical and – best of all – FREE (with membership). In fact, it’s yours to keep even if you choose not to remain a member.

P.S. ACT NOW AND GET THIS FREE GIFT. To help introduce you to the world of NATURAL HOME REMEDIES, we’d like to send you “Easing Aches and Pains” – a booklet written to help you draw on your body’s own natural resources to relieve the aches and pains of everyday life. And the booklet is yours FREE when you decide to purchase RODALE’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NATURAL HOME REMEDIES. Supplies are limited, so please act soon. Mail the enclosed card today.

Five – Emphasise price or terms of your offer.

This can be highly motivating when your offer involves a special or bargain price or terms, and you dramatise this in the P.S.

P.S. Remember, this half-price offer at £16 expires in 10 days. After this date you must pay the regular price of £32. Don’t miss out. ORDER now.

P.S. Send no money now. If you are not completely delighted with the Exer-Stik, return within 30 days and owe nothing.

P.S. This half-price offer is the lowest rate available. We may not be able to offer it again, so don’t miss the opportunity. Mail your order today! Thanks – WJG.

P.S. I think you’ll discover that the Group Discount Plan makes it easier than you’d dreamed to own today’s incomparable Britannica!

Six – Emphasising tax deductibility of purchase.

Entrepreneurs love being able to claim their purchases back against tax. Tax deductibility also provides additional justification to make a purchase. Everyone feels more comfortable when they can justify their purchase to themselves or others.

P.S. Your corporate shield is a valuable asset. Help protect yourself for a nominal tax deductible cost.

P.S. Your tax deductible investment of only £49.95 is a small price to pay to gain all the legal protection this book provides you and your business. Without a doubt, you will rest easier once you receive it.

P.S. Important tax benefits. Like virtually all EARTH WATCH contributions, membership is tax deductible. Note too that you can charge your donations to credit card.

P.S. Executive discount price is tax deductible as permitted by the Tax Reform Act of 1986. See page 75.

Seven – Emphasise guarantee.

Money-back guarantees can be excitingly presented. They are good raw materials for a P.S. because the risk associated with any purchases is eliminated. Your prospect feels less anxiety and a greater sense of security when no money can be lost.

P.S. This no-risk $29.95 investment is guaranteed to give you protection personally over all your assets. Can you really afford to be without it?

P.S. You can charge THE COMPLETE BOOK OF CORPORATE FORMS to your American Express, Diner/Carte Blanche, Visa or MasterCard; if you decide to return the book, you’ll receive an immediate credit or cash refund (including no postage both ways). So this is truly a NO-RISK Offer.

P.S. If Small Business Tax Saver doesn’t put tax dollars in your pocket from the start, your subscription will be refunded in full. That’s a promise (see enclosed letter). And the $24.95 book, Big Tax Savings for Small Business, is yours to keep.

P.S. There is unlimited opportunity in consulting today, and Howard Shenson’s Complete Guide to Consulting Success can help you take advantage of those opportunities. Order your copy today under our unique one-full-year money back guarantee.

P.S. Don’t forget our guarantee – if at any time you’re not pleased, just let us know. The unused portion of your subscription will be promptly refunded.

P.S. Don’t wait until the expiration date on your certificate is on top of you. We guarantee your satisfaction. What can you lose? Call now TOLL FREE            1-800-228-9055      .

Many of these PS quotes are from the book Million Dollar Mailings by Denny Hatch with a forward by Alex Anderson. The book includes 71 of the most successful mailings from the past. Well worth grabbing hold of if you can find a copy.

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