5 Ways to Turn Blog Readers into Paying Customers

How do you get a casual reader of your blog to make a purchase?

Really, it’s all about giving them plenty of opportunities and encouragement.

Did you know that businesses that blog get more traffic than those who don’t? It just makes sense. If your website is offering great content in the blog, then people will want to read it.

But turning those readers into customers can be sometimes be challenging.

Here are 5 tactics that can turn even the most diehard skeptic blog reader into a paying customer.


1: Let Others Sing Your Praises

When a business tells you how fantastic they are, I’ll bet you’re skeptical.

But when a friend tells you, then you believe them, right?

When you place testimonials on your blog, in your blogposts and anyplace that makes sense, it’s almost as good as a friend telling your readers how good you really are. You are in essence coming in under their sales radar and giving them the info without activating their sales defenses.

In fact, written testimonials have been shown to increase conversions by as much as 25%, yet most bloggers forget to place testimonials where people will read them – on their blog.

In addition to inserting testimonial quotes, be sure to turn some of them into case studies. You can write a post detailing how a customer solved their problem using your product.

You can also use testimonials to back up your claims. For example, when you say that your product improves results by 50%, use a testimonial that says this exact thing.

Using these techniques allows you to tell your story without making a sales pitch.


2: Use In-Line Product Links

This one is so simple.

Whenever it makes sense, place links in your posts that go to relevant products and services. It could be to your own products or even affiliate links to other people’s products.

Again, you’re doing promotion without giving a sales pitch because you’re simply offering links to something you’re mentioning or recommending.

For example, let’s say you have a post about list building. Tell them which autoresponder you personally use, why you love it and give them a link to it.


3: End Each Post with a Call to Action

Every single one of your blogposts should encourage the reader to DO something.

It might be to leave a comment, sign up for your newsletter, share on social media or visit a related page on your blog.

It can also be to check out the product you mentioned in the post.


4: Host Limited Time Mega Deals

Hosting deals on your blog is going to do at least three things for you:

  • Increase traffic as other product owners send buyers to your site
  • Increase your audience as you capture all those email addresses of buyers
  • Get sales where there would have been none before

This technique is like pulling money and new email list subscribers out of the air. Simply get together with other product creators and create a package deal that people cannot say no to.

As a random example, you could get 10 product creators each throwing in a $50 product and the whole package costs just $97.

Or maybe it’s 50 ebooks for $50, or 5 different membership sites for one monthly fee… you get the idea.

You can split the profits and even the list of buyers with the other marketers participating in the offer.

And you could do one of these as often as you like, using a different theme each time.


5: Don’t be Pushy

Okay, this is actually something to NOT do. While you do want to present testimonials, links and crazy good offers, you don’t want your blog to sound like a sales pitch.

Keep everything in the realm of offering sage advice and people will continue to come back to your blog for more.


Bottom line: Don’t be afraid to sell from your blog. Offer great advice and appropriate links. Don’t be pushy. Help your reader to get the results they seek. Guaranteed, if you can make an extra few quid from each post, then you’re going to post more often and you’ll enjoy blogging more, too.

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As a Florida Native, Shelia enjoys all things “beachy” and visits several beaches each year. Shelia has written and published over twenty articles, a few journals and the children’s book series: An Adventure on Spook Hill and A Hairy, Scary Adventure on Spook Hill. She has been self-employed for over fifteen years and is an accomplished artist. She continues to write, create and explore new locations and beaches. She has been in digital information products for a few years.

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