8,947 Ways to Increase Conversions

Okay, while I probably could come up with that many ways to increase your sales, most would simply be variations of each other.

Plus, who wants to try that many?

My point is, you don’t need 8,947 ways to increase your conversions, you just need a handful of methods that actually WORK.

Here then are 29 ways to increase conversions — also known as making more sales with the exact same traffic.

  • Add proof to your home page. For example: Testimonials, research, testing and so forth.
  • Use a different image. Marketers forget that the image you use (or don’t use) can be almost as important as the headline, especially if it appears above the fold.
  • Test different calls to action. Sometimes even a tiny change on a button can make a big difference. For example, one business changed their call to action from “Buy now” to “Grab your copy now” and saw a 12% boost in conversions.
  • Add live chat to your sales page. When potential customers can ask questions, they feel a lot better about making the purchase.
  • Change the headline. Test, test and test again. Even a small change in the headline can sometimes make a big difference.
  • Simplify your page. If there are too many distractions and different things going on, people will get confused and leave.
  • Feature a discounted price. If you are offering a discount, feature it prominently with a nice discount sticker.
  • Change the way you present your pricing. Do you offer a ton of value for a low price? Then feature your price prominently — perhaps even above the fold. Regardless, do not hide your price. If people can’t readily find it, they’re likely to leave.
  • Use a product image. For example, if you’re selling an ebook, you might think you don’t need a product image. Not true. A good e-cover can literally double your conversions, and it doesn’t cost all that much to get it done, either.
  • Use red for urgency. On your call to action buttons, use red to help you convey the message that time is short. For example, “Only XX copies left,” or “Only XX hours left.”
  • Use bullet points to outline benefits, features, problems solved and so forth. People love bullet points and read them.
  • Use catchy sub-headlines. One long block of copy generally won’t be read, but if you break it up with sub-headlines that catch the eye and get people reading, you’ll do a lot better.
  • Have a call to action. Seriously, it’s surprising how many websites forget to ask for the sale.
  • Add a phone number to your site. Want to make your customers feel secure? Let them know there is a real person they can talk to. Most people will never call, but they like knowing they can if there is ever a problem.
  • Using a video? Test thumbnails. The right thumbnail can greatly increase clicks on your video.
  • Improve your value proposition. We could write an entire book on value propositions, but know this: A value proposition explains how your product solves your customers’ problems or improves their situation, delivers specific benefits and tells the customer why they should buy from you.
  • Increase the size of your call to action buttons. Often times, the bigger the button, the more likely people will click.
  • Use photos of real people, not stock images. Stock images LOOK like stock images and do nothing to help you make the sale. Instead use your own images of real people doing real things.
  • Forget step-by-step tutorials. If you’re in sales mode, then sell. A short 60 second overview of your product or service will be more effective than a 5 to 10 minute tutorial.
  • Make your landing page direct and to the point. Too much content on a landing page can kill conversions. Conversely, not saying enough can have the same effect. The goal is to say just enough and no more.
  • Don’t ask for the sale too soon. You’re walking a fine line of knowing when to ask for the sale and when is too soon. Test to see what works best. One company saw a 220% increase in sign-ups when they removed the signup call to action from the top of the page.
  • Use a single column for your signup form. People are more likely to fill it out if there is one column versus two.
  • Use product videos. Adding a short video for each product can boost sales dramatically, if done well.
  • Add more content to the middle of your sales funnel. Use case studies, offer e-books, more emails and so forth that push people down your funnel and to the sales page.
  • Determine your key traffic referral source, and then put more focus on that source. Look at where your buyers are coming from, and then ramp up that source to send you more traffic and more buyers. Too often we try to focus on all the traffic sources at once, when in reality just one or two sources are providing us with 80% of our buyers.
  • Reduce form fields. The more fields your prospect has to fill out, the more likely they will leave without buying. Only ask for the info you need. You can always get more info from them later when you ask them to register after the sale.
  • Consider adding Google Site Search to your site. This will depend on your niche, but for some adding Site Search will make it easier for prospects to get the answers they seek that enable them to make a buying decision.
  • Use a guarantee seal. It’s such a small thing, yet it can make a significant difference. If you don’t have a guarantee seal on your sales page, add it. Make it big enough that people cannot miss it.
  • Back up your guarantee seal with a promise. For example, one company stated that the delivery of purchases was guaranteed up to $1,000. $20,000 of protection was given if a customer’s identity was stolen through the website. And if the price of the product dropped in the future, the customer would receive the difference.

And there you have it. Right now, before you forget, choose just ONE of the above methods and test it out — the keyword being to TEST.

Do this and you might increase sales before the day is over.

Do this every day for a week and I GUARANTEE your conversions will increase.



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